Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Currently Coveting: Summer Dresses!

I spent part of today looking through the store fliers and online merchandise from Kohl's and JCPenney.  Originally the idea was to look for ideas for a new swimsuit for when we go on our honeymoon cruise.  I got distracted by so many incredibly cute dresses; of course I have no idea how many would actually look good on me, but I love the pictures.  My favorite two:

Ok, so the second one is a skirt and not a dress, but oh my!  I feel like I'd look like a million bucks, at least to Nate.  What feels like a million bucks, though, is the $30 price tag.  For someone who usually shops at Goodwill and tries to not buy their full price $5 items, this comes quite steep.  Why don't I know how to read patterns?!  Why don't I have a sewing machine that can handle denim?  Arrrrrgh!

Other cute dresses I saw are below.  Anyone else thing they look like good summer options?

Can you tell I like a particular style?  Apparently I've figured out the one dress shape that looks good on my long torso and small bust!

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